
Showing posts from June, 2022

New Meghan Markle picture reveals big problem with her latest move

 Earlier in June, the internet had a right good time of it when the Elysee Palace in Paris released a series of photos of French President Emanuel Macron, taken while fielding a call with international leaders after the invasion of Ukraine. Dressed down in a hoodie, unshaven, his brow furrowed, they show Macron hard at work, a man so intent on making the world a better place that he did not have the time or inclination to waste a precious moment on himself. Twitter et al had a good chortle at just how stagy, contrived and a tad desperate the mise-en-scene looked and back, one would assume, that hoodie went into the President’s closet. Whatever the fate of le hoodie, those Macron shots really crystallised the way that caring has become a very 21st century, social media-ready performance piece. So, how to explain the latest image which has been released of Meghan, Duchess of Sussex and which bears a certain similarity to those Macron shots? Meghan shared this photo of herself reacting to